Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Sweet Seventeen for Justin Bieber #02142011

tadi abis ngobok-ngobok youtube sambil liat comment user terus ngeliat banyak orang ngepost kayak gini:

post 1
"1st of March is Justin Bieber's birthday. This little roach has been infecting the whole world. Because of him, the world of rock is extincting.

So on his birthday, we all will go to his "Baby" official video and push the 'dislike' button so that the 'dislike' bar becomes 10 times bigger than the 'like' bar.

If you are a rock fan, join with me thumbs up this and , copy-paste this message to all rock videos. We have two weeks to unite and fight against this little cockroach"

post 2
"PLEASE READit's not a good idea to go to biebers video & click the dislike button cause every time we go to his video he gets payed a few cents cause his vid's sponsered. Instead we pick songs like this & get as many people as we can to watch so by the 1st of march on biebers birthday all rock videos will be most viewed on youtubes charts. this will get the younger audience to listen to good music & might have good rock bands form again. PLEASE SPREAD THIS MESSAGE! COPYPASTE&THUMBS UP!"

nih orang-orang pada iri apa emang sebel banget sama industri musik yang bikin genre kesukaan mereka (rock) digusur sama nyanyian anak bocah?
kira-kira bakal bener-bener kejadian gak ya?

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